Can someone explain this? I seem to have a query which is being blocked by a lock. I was under the impression that selects are never blocked. Am I missing something or is this bad behaviour? I am using slony and am synchronising a slave for the first time. In the hope of seeing some progress on the slave I attempt to perform a select count(*) on one of the tables. The select just stops. ps shows this: postgres 5987 0.0 0.4 19180 4188 ? S 15:16 0:00 postgres: postgres testdb SELECT waiting A query of blocking locks shows this: object | trans | pid | mode | blocker ---------------------------+-------+------+---------------------+--------- testdb.campaign_cost_pk | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.csn_log_pk | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.pg_trigger | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_trigger | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.sl_subscribe | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.csn_log_idx2 | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.campaign | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.campaign | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.campaign | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.pg_rewrite | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_rewrite | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.computer_sn_log | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.computer_sn_log | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.computer_sn_log | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.address_type_pk | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.campaign_pk | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_log_1 | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_log_1 | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.csn_cookie_idx1 | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_index | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_index | | 5754 | RowShareLock | testdb.csn_log_idx3 | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.csn_cookie_pk | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_log_2 | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_log_2 | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.sl_set | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_set | | 5754 | RowShareLock | testdb.campaign_cost | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.campaign_cost | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.campaign_cost | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.sl_table | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_table | | 5754 | RowShareLock | testdb.sl_table | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | | 9182 | 5754 | ExclusiveLock | testdb.computer_sn_cookie | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.computer_sn_cookie | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.computer_sn_cookie | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.pg_attribute | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.sl_config_lock | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.sl_trigger | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.csn_pk | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_class | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_class | | 5754 | RowShareLock | testdb.pg_class | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.address_type | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.address_type | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.address_type | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.pg_namespace | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.pg_namespace | | 5754 | RowShareLock | testdb.csn_log_idx1 | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.computer_sn | | 5754 | AccessShareLock | testdb.computer_sn | | 5754 | RowExclusiveLock | testdb.computer_sn | | 5754 | AccessExclusiveLock | testdb.address_type | | 5987 | AccessShareLock | 5754 | 9422 | 5987 | ExclusiveLock | 5754 (55 rows) All responses will be welcomed. __ Marc
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