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Re: how do you set foriegn keys in pgaccess?

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jeremy ` wrote:
yea sory I an using pgadmin3, and thats the prog that I'm not sure how to set foriegn keys with.
OK - to make a foreign key where bar.foo_ref references foo.foo_id you 
should do the following:
1. Select table "bar" then "constraints"
2. Right-click and choose a new foreign-key
3. Give the foreign-key a name "my_first_foreign_key"
4. Drop down "references" to choose table "foo"
5. Click the "Columns" tab at the top of the dialogue-box
6. Choose local column = "foo_ref" and referenced = "foo_id"
7. Click the "Add" button
8. Click the "Action" tab and choose whether to restrict/cascade
9. Click OK

You should now see a new constraint on table bar, forcing "foo_ref" to refer to values from table "foo" column "foo_id".
What do I use for 'command line' features? do i need a separate program to pgadmin?
See the manuals - "client applications", they're all installed already. 
I use psql almost exclusively. There I'd type something like:
  ALTER TABLE bar ADD CONSTRAINT my_first_constraint
  FOREIGN KEY (foo_ref) REFERENCES foo (foo_id)

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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