Wouldn't it just be cheaper to buy a second machine than do all of that? Alex Turner netEconomist On 5/3/05, Robin Boerdijk <robin_boerdijk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > --- Thomas Hallgren <thhal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Robin Boerdijk wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > > > Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I was wondering if > > > there have been any efforts in the past to provide a deep > > integration > > > of PostgreSQL with Apache. What I mean by deep integration is that > > the > > > PostgreSQL server logic runs inside the Apache server processes, > > rather > > > than separate processes. In particular, the postmaster server logic > > > would run inside the Apache master process and the postgres server > > > logic would run inside Apache child processes. > > > > > > The main advantage of this approach would be that it avoids the > > > Apache/PostgreSQL context switch when executing SQL requests from > > the > > > web server. It looks like the Apache server and PostgreSQL server > > > architectures are quite similar to make this feasible. Any > > thoughts? > > > > > The PostgreSQL backend is inherently single-threaded and a new > > process > > is forked each time you establish a new connection (session) so the > > integration you ask for is not in anyway possible unless you are > > content > > with one single database connection. > > I agree that it is not trivial, but is it feasible? Specifically, I'm > thinking about the following approach: > > 1. Strip all networking logic and the logic that manages the postgres > child servers from the postmaster server. The logic that remains is > code that manages the auxiliary processes such as the bgwriter and > statistics collector. Integrate this remaining logic in the the Apache > master server. > > 2. Strip all networking logic from the postgres server. The logic that > remains is logic for executing queries against the database. Integrate > this remaining logic in the Apache child server. > > The result of this is an integrated web/database server where all > networking is handled by Apache instead of postmaster/postgres. Other > than that, I see no difference with the way PostgreSQL works out of the > box. The Apache master server functions as the postmaster (i.e. > managing the child server processes) and the Apache child servers > function as the postgres servers (i.e. access the database). Why would > this web/database server be limited to using only one connection? > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > http://mail.yahoo.com > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate > subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your > message can get through to the mailing list cleanly > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org