Rick.Casey@xxxxxxxxxxxx presumably uttered the following on 02/25/05 19:14:
Yes, thank you, I corrected my function from statement level to row level. This did get rid of the error message. However, I still get no output from an OLD variable that should contain data: see the test variable in the simple case below.
How else can I test OLD variables? This is the simplest test case I can think of. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Thanks, Rick
I think you have created a statement level trigger (If they existed in 7.4.7...) by not including FOR EACH ROW in your create statement. In statement level triggers, there is no OLD or NEW.
Rick Casey <rick.casey@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 02/24/05 1:22 PM >>>
Hello all,
I am trying to a simple thing: create a log history of deletes, and updates; but which I am having trouble getting to work in PG 7.4.7 (under Debian Linux 2.6.8).
I have reduced my code to the following trivial case:
Here is the code that creates the delete trigger: create trigger PEDIGREES_hist_del_trig AFTER DELETE on PEDIGREES EXECUTE PROCEDURE logPedigreesDel();
Here is the trigger code: (famindid is an integer field in the Pedigrees
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION logPedigreesDel() RETURNS TRIGGER AS ' DECLARE test integer; begin test := OLD.famindid; RAISE EXCEPTION ''OLD.famindid = '', test; return OLD; end; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Need a place holder for your variable in your RAISE expression (like a printf syntax):
RAISE EXCEPTION ''OLD.famindid = %'', test;
btw, if you just want to see the variable without having your function bail on you, try RAISE NOTICE ''OLD.famindid = %'', test;
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)