My real question now is: does the OLD variable work at all in plpgsql?
If not, then some major documentation, books and many posted messages appear to be wrong!
Here is what the PostgreSQL 7.4.6 Documentation says: --------------------------------- 37.10. Trigger Procedures
PL/pgSQL can be used to define trigger procedures. A trigger procedure is created with the CREATE FUNCTION command, declaring it as a function with no arguments and a return type of trigger. Note that the function must be declared with no arguments even if it expects to receive arguments specified in CREATE TRIGGER --- trigger arguments are passed via TG_ARGV, as described below.
When a PL/pgSQL function is called as a trigger, several special variables are created automatically in the top-level block. They are:
Data type RECORD; variable holding the new database row for INSERT/UPDATE operations in row-level triggers. This variable is null in statement-level triggers.
Data type RECORD; variable holding the old database row for UPDATE/DELETE operations in row-level triggers. This variable is null in statement-level triggers.
This certainly implies that OLD and NEW can be used with plpgsql.
Does anyone know the answer to this?
Are there ways to get the OLD and NEW variables to work in plpgsql?
I am just amazed if so much documentation could be so misleading if this is not the case.
Regards, Rick
Rick Casey, Research Associate Institute for Behavioral Genetics rick.casey@xxxxxxxxxxxx 303.735.3518
Rick Casey wrote:
Hello all,
I am trying to a simple thing: create a log history of deletes, and updates; but which I am having trouble getting to work in PG 7.4.7 (under Debian Linux 2.6.8).
I have reduced my code to the following trivial case:
Here is the code that creates the delete trigger: create trigger PEDIGREES_hist_del_trig AFTER DELETE on PEDIGREES EXECUTE PROCEDURE logPedigreesDel();
Here is the trigger code: (famindid is an integer field in the Pedigrees table):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION logPedigreesDel() RETURNS TRIGGER AS ' DECLARE test integer; begin test := OLD.famindid; RAISE EXCEPTION ''OLD.famindid = '', test; return OLD; end; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Here is the error message returned:
psql:testphdtrig.sql:1: ERROR: record "old" is not assigned yet
DETAIL: The tuple structure of a not-yet-assigned record is indeterminate.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "logpedigreesdel" line 4 at assignment
Would *really appreciate* any suggestions! This could help us decide whether to PostGres for a major project...
thanks --rick
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