Hello all,
I am trying to a simple thing: create a log history of deletes, and updates; but which I am having trouble getting to work in PG 7.4.7 (under Debian Linux 2.6.8).
I have reduced my code to the following trivial case:
Here is the code that creates the delete trigger: create trigger PEDIGREES_hist_del_trig AFTER DELETE on PEDIGREES EXECUTE PROCEDURE logPedigreesDel();
Here is the trigger code: (famindid is an integer field in the Pedigrees table):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION logPedigreesDel() RETURNS TRIGGER AS ' DECLARE test integer; begin test := OLD.famindid; RAISE EXCEPTION ''OLD.famindid = '', test; return OLD; end; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Here is the error message returned: psql:testphdtrig.sql:1: ERROR: record "old" is not assigned yet DETAIL: The tuple structure of a not-yet-assigned record is indeterminate. CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "logpedigreesdel" line 4 at assignment
Would *really appreciate* any suggestions! This could help us decide whether to PostGres for a major project...
thanks --rick
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend