To clarify the method I suggested:
Say a phone number is: 818 9567 1234
You reverse the number and store it as text and index it as
Then if someone searches for 5671234 you reverse the query string and do a search for
select * from phonebook where number like '4321765%' and ....
If they enter just the last 5 digits: 71234
select * from phonebook where number like '43217%' and ....
These sort of searches are indexable on postgresql.
At 04:33 AM 2/13/2005 -0800, J. Greenlees wrote:
Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
I think it should. But for phone numbers it may be better to reverse the digits before indexing - usually whilst the area code changes, the last 4 or 5 digits don't change.This way you can do a LIKE search on *5678. Where the number ends with 5678.make sure the table stores as text rather than as numeric data.
then you can use the excellent perl string tools to pull the last 4 characters of the number.
$base being the last 4 digits. then convert to numeric to test against search requirements.
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