On Wed, 2024-07-24 at 00:23 +0000, Dan Kortschak wrote: > On 7/23/24 13:11, Vincent Veyron wrote: > > On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:31:13 +0000 > > > > This is the goto page for anything SQL : > > https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-commands.html > > > > For DateTime types : > > https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-datetime.html > > > > For JSON types : > > https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-json.html > > Thanks, I will work through those. I've had a chance to attack this. The first part of the problem was that I could not figure out how to get the multiple statement transaction that I using in SQLite to work with PostgreSQL. The solution was to use the host language's Postres binding transaction functions and send the statements separately. The first part, to ensure the JSON array exist is solved with update events set datastr = jsonb_set(datastr, '{amend}', '[]') where starttime < $3 and endtime > $2 and not datastr::jsonb ? 'amend' and bucketrow = ( select rowid from buckets where id = $1 ); I'm still having difficulties with the second part which is to update the contents of the amend array in the JSON. So far I'm able to append the relevant details to the append array, but I'm unable to correctly select the corrects elements from the $6 argument, which is in the form [{"start":<RFC3339>,"end":<RFC3339>,"data":<object>}, ...]. The first update statement gives me broadly what I want, but includes elements of the array that it shouldn't. update events set datastr = jsonb_set( datastr, '{amend}', datastr->'amend' || jsonb_build_object( 'time', $2::TEXT, 'msg', $3::TEXT, 'replace', ( -- This select is for comparison with the code below. select * from jsonb($6::TEXT) ) ) ) where starttime < $5 and endtime > $4 and bucketrow = ( select rowid from buckets where id = $1 ); If I filter on the start and end time, I end up with no element coming through at all and the "replace" field ends up null. update events set datastr = jsonb_set( datastr, '{amend}', datastr->'amend' || jsonb_build_object( 'time', $2::TEXT, 'msg', $3::TEXT, 'replace', ( select * from jsonb($6::TEXT) as replacement where (replacement->>'start')::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE < endtime and (replacement->>'end')::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE > starttime ) ) ) where starttime < $5 and endtime > $4 and bucketrow = ( select rowid from buckets where id = $1 ); Can anyone suggest what I might be missing? One thing that occurs to me is that due to the host language the timezone in starttime and endtime is the local timezone, while the timezone in the elements of the $6 argument are in UTC. I've tried forcing the timezones to match and this does not appear to be the issue. This can be seen in the case of output from the first, non-filtering update statement above: { ... "start": "2023-06-13T05:24:50+09:30", "end": "2023-06-13T05:24:55+09:30", "data": { ... "amend": [ { "endtime": "2023-06-13T05:24:55+09:30", "msg": "testing", "replace": [ { "data": { ... }, "end": "2023-06-12T19:54:51Z", "start": "2023-06-12T19:54:39Z" } ], "starttime": "2023-06-13T05:24:50+09:30", ... } ] } }, (I'm hoping there's not a dumb logic error in the statement; it's equivalent works with SQLite, and mapped all to UTC we have starttime=2023-06-12T19:54:50Z endtime=2023-06-12T19:54:55Z start=2023- 06-12T19:54:39Z and end=2023-06-12T19:54:51Z which is an overlap).