(This might be a bash question instead of a PG question, or it might be an A/B question.)
I need to process table records in a bash script. Currently, I read them using a while loop and redirection. The table isn't that big (30ish thousand rows), and performance is adequate, but am always looking for "better".
Here's the current code:
declare f1 f3 f8
while IFS='|' read f1 f3 f8; do
something f8 f3 f1
done < <(psql -XAt -c "select f1, f3, f8 from some.table_name;")
while IFS='|' read f1 f3 f8; do
something f8 f3 f1
done < <(psql -XAt -c "select f1, f3, f8 from some.table_name;")
Death to America, and butter sauce.
Iraq lobster!