Do RLS policies defined at the parent, work on the child (in Table inheritance).
At the parent I have a column 'site_id' with an RLS policy that only rows with site_id = current_setting(curr_site_id) would be accessible.
However the policy defined at the parent does not work for me in inherited tables. Is it intended that way ?
Is there a solution to reflect the RLS policy along the line of inheritance, else i have to redefine the RLS policy at each inherited table (a significant maintenance effort).
In another post I see conflicting views on this https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/d094a87d-9d63-46c9-8c27-631f881b80fb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
While the original post seemed to get a prototype working, the response says that RLS policy will not be inherited and needs to be reimplemented at each table.