d(logical_partition_key, model_usage) as ( values( 'TEST_DATA' ,'F(T61)(EXPORT)' )
usg_txt as (
SELECT DISTINCT logical_partition_key,
MODEL_USAGE as usage_text,
REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( PIU.MODEL_USAGE::text, '<t context="USAGE_TEXT">', ''), '<t context="FCN_NAME_MODFR">', ''), '<t context="FCN_USAGE_MODFR">', ''), '</t>', '') AS txt
parse( logical_partition_key, usage_text,txt, rpo_txt, indx ) as
select d.logical_partition_key, d.usage_text,d.txt, coalesce(a.rpo[1],a.rpo[2]) as rpo_txt, a.pos
from usg_txt d
left join lateral regexp_matches( txt, '([ ,\-()/&])|([^ ,\-()/&]+)','g') with ordinality as a(rpo,pos) on true
prv_nxt_token( logical_partition_key, usage_text,txt, rpo_txt, indx, mx_indx, prev,nxt,nxt2, prv2,prv3) as
/* Get prior and next token to support later logic */
select p.logical_partition_key, p.usage_text,
p.txt, p.rpo_txt, indx,
max( indx) over ( partition by p.txt ) mx_indx,
lag( p.rpo_txt,1 ) over ( partition by p.logical_partition_key,p.txt order by indx ) prev,
lag( p.rpo_txt,-1 ) over ( partition by p.logical_partition_key,p.txt order by indx ) nxt,
lag( p.rpo_txt,-2) over ( partition by p.logical_partition_key,p.txt order by indx ) nxt2,
lag( p.rpo_txt,2 ) over ( partition by p.logical_partition_key,p.txt order by indx ) prv2,
lag( p.rpo_txt,3 ) over ( partition by p.logical_partition_key,p.txt order by indx ) prv3
from parse p
select * from prv_nxt_token;
logical_partition_key | usage_text | txt | rpo_txt | indx | mx_indx | prev | nxt | nxt2 | prv2 | prv3 |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F" | "1" | "7" | "[NULL]" | "(" | "T61" | "[NULL]" | "[NULL]" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "(" | "2" | "7" | "F" | "T61" | ")" | "[NULL]" | "[NULL]" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "T61" | "3" | "7" | "(" | ")" | "(" | "F" | "[NULL]" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | ")" | "4" | "7" | "T61" | "(" | "EXPORT" | "(" | "F" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "(" | "5" | "7" | ")" | "EXPORT" | ")" | "T61" | "(" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "EXPORT" | "6" | "7" | "(" | ")" | "[NULL]" | ")" | "T61" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | ")" | "7" | "7" | "EXPORT" | "[NULL]" | "[NULL]" | "(" | ")" |
select * from prv_nxt_token where logical_partition_key='TEST_DATA' and usage_text='F(T61)(EXPORT)';
logical_partition_key | usage_text | txt | rpo_txt | indx | mx_indx | prv | nxt | nxt2 | prv2 | prv3 |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F" | "1" | "7" | "F" | "(" | "(" | "[NULL]" | "[NULL]" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "(" | "2" | "7" | "F" | "(" | "T61" | "F" | "[NULL]" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "T61" | "3" | "7" | "T61" | ")" | ")" | "(" | "(" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | ")" | "4" | "7" | "T61" | ")" | "(" | "T61" | "(" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "(" | "5" | "7" | "(" | "EXPORT" | "EXPORT" | ")" | ")" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "EXPORT" | "6" | "7" | "(" | "EXPORT" | ")" | "(" | ")" |
"TEST_DATA" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | "F(T61)(EXPORT)" | ")" | "7" | "7" | ")" | "[NULL]" | "[NULL]" | "EXPORT" | "EXPORT" |