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Re: Reset sequence to current maximum value of rows

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On Thu, 13 Jun 2024, Ron Johnson wrote:

If the table has a primary key, then the command *should* have failed with
a duplicate key error as soon as the first dupe was discovered.


I had manually set the PKs (column: company_nbr) which has a sequence
defined for it when I added about 50 rows to the table yesterday.

Now that I'm aware of the DEFAULT option when inserting new rows I tried
to reset the sequence maximum number to max(company_nbr); the highest number
for the rows inserted yesterday. That's when I tried resetting the current
sequence number with the expectation that new rows would be numbered
sequentially higher than that value.

Today I saw that I had missed one new company and entered it using DEFAULT
for the company_nbr PK. When I looked at that table every company_name that
I had added yesterday was changed to the one inserted today.

What does your table definition look like?

                                         Table "public.companies"
    Column    |         Type          | Collation | Nullable |                  Default

 company_nbr  | integer               |           | not null | nextval('companies_org_nbr_seq'::regclass)
 company_name | character varying(64) |           | not null | '??'::character varying
 url          | character varying(64) |           |          |
 email        | character varying(64) |           |          |
 industry     | character varying(24) |           | not null | 'Other'::character varying
 status       | character varying(20) |           | not null | 'Opportunity'::character varying
 comment      | text                  |           |          |
 ea_nbr       | integer               |           |          | 0
 ea_amt       | numeric(10,2)         |           |          | 0.00
    "organizations_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (company_nbr)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "organizations_industry_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (industry) REFERENCES industrytypes(ind_name) ON UPDAT
    "organizations_status_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (status) REFERENCES statustypes(stat_name) ON UPDATE CAS
Referenced by:
    TABLE "locations" CONSTRAINT "locations_org_nbr_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
(company_nbr) REFERENCES companies(company_nbr) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE
    TABLE "people" CONSTRAINT "people_org_nbr_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
(company_nbr) REFERENCES companies(c ompany_nbr) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE


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