On 3/27/24 17:35, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 3/27/24 17:05, Jeff Ross wrote:
My read of Tom's reply suggests you still have work to do to find the other "reference" holding on to your cursor.On 3/27/24 15:44, Tom Lane wrote:
Perhaps "pinned" in the error message means "open"?No, it means "pinned" ... but I see that plpython pins the portal underlying any PLyCursor object it creates. Most of our PLs do that too, to prevent a portal from disappearing under them (e.g. if you were to try to close the portal directly from SQL rather than via whatever mechanism the PL wants you to use).I added a cursor.close() as the last line called in that function and it works again.It looks to me like PLy_cursor_close does pretty much exactly the same cleanup as PLy_cursor_dealloc, including unpinning and closing the underlying portal. I'm far from a Python expert, but I suspect that the docs you quote intend to say "cursors are disposed of when Python garbage-collects them", and that the reason your code is failing is that there's still a reference to the PLyCursor somewhere after the plpython function exits, perhaps in a Python global variable. regards, tom laneThank you for your reply, as always, Tom!
Debugging at this level might well be over my paygrade ;-)
I just happy that the function works again, and that I was able to share a solution to this apparently rare error with the community.
Yes, my read was the same.
There are exactly 3 references to that cursor now that I added
the close() at the end.
Here are the first 2 (cursor renamed from the code I posted):
plpy_cursor = plpy.cursor(schemas_query)
while True:
schema_rows = plpy_cursor.fetch(100)
The last is:
I don't know how to proceed further.