On 1/16/24 09:20, Ron Johnson wrote:
Some RDBMSs have CREATE ALIAS, which allows you to refer to a table by a
different name (while also referring to it by the original name).
We have an application running on DB2/UDB which (for reasons wholly
unknown to me, and probably also to the current developer) extensively
uses this with two schemas: MTUSER and MTQRY. For example, sometimes
refer to MTUSER.sometable and other times refer to it as MYQRY.sometable.
Just to be clear the table name <sometable> is the same in each schema,
In other words setting search_path would only help if was set per
session depending on which schema.<sometable> you wanted to access.
My goal is to present a way to migrate from UDB to PG with as few
application changes as possible. Thus, the need to mimic aliases.
Maybe updatable views?
CREATE VIEW mtqry.sometable AS SELECT * FROM mtuser.sometable;
Adrian Klaver