xof@thebuild.com wrote:bryn@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: Sorry, I should’ve said that I’d read this: « When used with a BEGIN block, EXIT passes control to the next statement after the end of the block. Note that a label must be used for this purpose; an unlabeled EXIT is never considered to match a BEGIN block. (This is a change from pre-8.4 releases of PostgreSQL, which would allow an unlabeled EXIT to match a BEGIN block.) » Yes, I see that the doc implies that the functionality that I asked about (premature exit from a block statement) will be supported indefinitely. I can only assume that somebody implemented this back in the day and that nobody thought to say that it was a bad idea. FYI, I tied both “exit” and “continue” outside of a loop in PL/SQL (using a fairly recent version of Oracle Database). There, each of these causes "must appear inside a loop" or "label 'B1' must label a LOOP statement". |