On 12/1/22 09:24, Dominique Devienne wrote:
> I guess is a DBA-versus-Developer point-of-view difference. --DD
What this points to is that there are multiple ways to handle this, many
external to the server itself. My take is that the system catalogs are
there for the proper operation of the server and that is their task,
first and foremost. If you can piggyback of that then great, but with
the knowledge that the information may change to meet the needs of the
server not external users.
I see. Still, Oracle preserves SQL as-is. SQLite preserve SQL as-is.
Would be nice if PostgreSQL did too. That's all I'm saying.
So do InterBase, Firebird, SQL Server, MySQL (except for Views, strangely
MariaDB, NexusDB, SQL Anywhere, and, frankly, all others I know of.
And this is used all the time by database developers.
And at least InterBase and Firebird -also- stored a 'parsed version' (in
With regards,
Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions
Database Workbench - developer tool for Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL,
MySQL, InterBase, NexusDB and Firebird.