tl;dr How do I turn up the logging so I can see what is failing?
In our quest to get replication working, we are upgrading from v9.4 to v12.10.
Access365 via ODBC
Driver = "PostgreSQL Unicode" v13.02, Date 9/22/2021
In testing the app against v12, I find this issue:
On updating a record, I set values on several fields and call recordSet.Update after each one.
After updating one particular field, calling Update gives
--> The Microsoft Access database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.
Code in question:
rst!Update <-- success
rst!QtyDeliverable = rst!Quantity
rst.Update <-- fails here
The wisdom of the internet says that this is most likely with a BIT field that has null that Access can't handle. But that isn't the case here. Both are int4 fields and both have values before the update.
For context, this is after we've copied the order record. Then we copy this Order Item record. Then we copy all the child records. Lastly, we are updating a few fields in this Order Item record and the update fails.
This only fails against PostgreSQL 12.10, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
Succeeds against PostgreSQL 9.4.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit
I don't see anything in the data\logs folder that looks relevant. Where else should I look?