I tried
create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus bpchar) returns bpchar immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
but it still returns result without trailing spaces. So it is not working.
Another possibility is to have just one function declared to take and return anyelement. You'd get failures at execution if the actual argument type isn't coercible to and from text (since translate() deals in text) but that might be fine.I tried
create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus anylement ) returns anylement immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
but got error
type anyelement does not exists.
Finally I tried
create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus text ) returns text immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
create or replace function public.ColWidth(p_namespace text, p_table text, p_field text)
returns int as $f$
select atttypmod-4 from pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a
where n.nspname = p_namespace and
c.relnamespace = n.oid and
c.relname = p_table and
a.attrelid = c.oid and
a.attname = p_field;
create table public.test ( charcol char(10) );
insert into test values ('test');
select rpad ( torus(charcol), colwidth('public', 'test', 'charcol') )
as Adrian Klaver recommends in
at this worked. In this best solution?
How to remove p_namespace parameter from colwidth()? ColWidth() should return column width in first search_path table just like select ... from test finds table test.