PostgreSQL 12.2+ function is defined as
create FUNCTION torus(eevarus text) returns text immutable AS
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439'
This function is called as CHAR(n) or text columns like
create temp table test (
charcol char(10),
textcol text );
insert into test values ('test', 'test');
select torus(charcol), torus(textcol), charcol
torus(charcol) returns text column and loses original column
width. How to force torus() to return argument type:
if char(n) column is passed as argument, torus() should also
return char(n) data type.
I tried to use bpchar instead on text
create or replace FUNCTION torusbpchar(eevarus bpchar) returns
bpchar immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439'
torusbpchar(charcol) still returns text data type.
npgsql DataReader is used to get data.