On 12/29/2021 1:16 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 12/29/21 10:10, Rob Sargent wrote:
If you want to use psql then:
--host="localhost" --port="5432" --username="postgres" --password
--no-owner --no-privileges --dbname="ebird_work"
--table="p_loc.ebd_sptl" --data-only
psql ebirds
\i C:\Users\Nightrunner\DOCUMENTS\programming\pg_out\ebird_sptl_all.txt
Doesn’t that presume OP can connect to linux db from Windows machine?
Seems the best plan would be copy to; file-tranfer; copy from
Yeah that should been the file location from the OP's COPY command:
Thanks, everyone, for the replies.
Thanks, Adrian, for the helpful commands you provided. They worked up to
a point that gave me a different error as the data were loading. I will
spend some time trying to work that new error out.