On 12/29/21 09:43, john polo wrote:Hi, I have a database in PostgreSQL 12 on Windows. It has > 8,000,000 rows. I want to copy this database to PostgreSQL 10 on Slackware Linux. I used this command to get the data out of the Windows database: "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\pg_dump.exe" --file="C:\Users\Nightrunner\DOCUMENTS\programming\pg_out\ebird_sptl_all.dump" --host="localhost" --port="5432" --username="postgres" --password --verbose --format=c --no-owner --no-privileges --dbname="ebird_work" --table="p_loc.ebd_sptl" On Slackware, I first: su postgres Then try: psql ebirds SET SEARCH_PATH TO p_loc; COPY p_loc.ebird_sptl FROM '/nt-d/projects_and_data/ebd_OR/ebird_sptl_all.dump'; That fails with missing data for column "COMMON_NAME" I understand this means there is a problem with one or more rows in the column referenced. This is a column of text. How do I find the error(s) in question?
If you want to use psql then:pg_dump.exe" --file="C:\Users\Nightrunner\DOCUMENTS\programming\pg_out\ebird_sptl_all.txt" --host="localhost" --port="5432" --username="postgres" --password --no-owner --no-privileges --dbname="ebird_work" --table="p_loc.ebd_sptl" --data-onlypsql ebirds\i C:\Users\Nightrunner\DOCUMENTS\programming\pg_out\ebird_sptl_all.txt
Doesn’t that presume OP can connect to linux db from Windows machine? Seems the best plan would be copy to; file-tranfer; copy from