On 8/19/21 9:06 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Thu, 19 Aug 2021, Adrian Klaver wrote:
Alright now I am confused. You keep referring to contact_date, yet the
query is referring to next_contact. Are they the same thing, different
things or other?
The table has 5 columns: person_nbr, contact_date, contact_type, notes, and
I want the query to find all person_nbr whose most recent contact_date
has a
next_contact date <= today. I don't need prior contact_dates and their
next_contact dates because some go back several years. I want to know those
I need to contact again based on our most recent contact.
So take David Johnston's query:
Select distinct on (person_nbr) ….. order by person_nbr, contact_date desc;
and add the next_contact filter:
Select distinct on (person_nbr) * from contacts where next_contact <=
current_date order by person_nbr, contact_date desc;
See if that returns what you want from the contacts table. Then you can
attach the other information to it.
Adrian Klaver