On 5/22/21 1:25 PM, Soumya Prasad Ukil wrote:
I have been using postgres prepare statement feature through JDBC. I
could see the same prepare statement multiple times, parsing is not
happening in postgres backend, which is expected. However I do the same
in psql command line, that does not happen. It goes to parsing every
time I execute
Using the following query:
postgres=> PREPARE parallel_execute1(text, text) AS insert into actor
(first_name, last_name) values ($1, $2);
postgres=> PREPARE parallel_execute2(int, int) AS insert into film_actor
(actor_id, film_id) values($1, $2);
postgres=> execute parallel_execute1;
postgres=> execute parallel_execute2;
Where are the arguments for the parameters?
I have executed both prepared statements 10 times. I could see every
time both queries went through parsing. How do I make sure that they do
not need parsing in command line? JDBC it works in expected manner. Same
code does not go for parsing each time. How can I have same behaviour in
pgsql command line?
How are you determining the above?
Adrian Klaver