Hi, I'm having a problem with to_char() inserting unexpected characters as group separator. For the record below, I wish to display 'credit' properly formated in an html form, using to_char(credit, 'FM999G990D00') SELECT *, to_char(credit, 'FM999G990D00') as yo from tblprospect_balance where id_item = 33; id_prospect | id_item | date_item | libelle | debit | credit | lettrage | id_facture | yo -------------+---------+------------+---------+-------+---------+----------+------------+---------- 385 | 33 | 2021-03-09 | yo man | 0.00 | 2345.10 | | 8 | 2 345,10 The numbers are properly displayed in the html form. However, updating the record requires the user to manually delete the space in '2 345,10', otherwise the last digit is lost. Typing numbers including a group separator using the space bar works fine. I exported the record to a text file and inspected it with emacs in hexadecimal mode : 3338 3509 3333 0932 3032 312d 3033 2d30 385.33.2021-03-0 00000010: 3909 796f 206d 616e 0930 2e30 3009 3233 9.yo man.0.00.23 00000020: 3435 2e31 3009 0938 0932 e280 af33 3435 45.10..8.2...345 00000030: 2c31 300a ,10. As you can see, the space in field 'libelle' (yo man) is different from the one in field 'yo' (2...345,10) The difference is also apparent in a link built using the record's fields as parameters : /base/prospect?id_prospect=385&balance=0&update_item=0&id_item=33&id_facture=8&date_item=2021-03-09&libelle=yo%20man&debit=0,00&credit=2%E2%80%AF345%2C10&lettrage= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ What can I do to get a standard space as group separator for my numbers? #### system information ######## I use postgresql 11.9 on Debian buster My settings are : show lc_numeric; lc_numeric ------------- fr_FR.UTF-8 locale LANG=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE= LC_CTYPE="C.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="C.UTF-8" LC_TIME="C.UTF-8" LC_COLLATE="C.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY="C.UTF-8" LC_MESSAGES="C.UTF-8" LC_PAPER="C.UTF-8" LC_NAME="C.UTF-8" LC_ADDRESS="C.UTF-8" LC_TELEPHONE="C.UTF-8" LC_MEASUREMENT="C.UTF-8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="C.UTF-8" LC_ALL= \d tblprospect_balance Table "public.tblprospect_balance" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -------------+---------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------------ id_prospect | integer | | not null | id_item | integer | | not null | nextval('tblprospect_balance_id_item_seq'::regclass) date_item | date | | not null | CURRENT_DATE libelle | text | | | debit | numeric(10,2) | | not null | 0 credit | numeric(10,2) | | not null | 0 lettrage | text | | | id_facture | integer | | not null | 0 -- Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron https://marica.fr/ Logiciel de gestion des sinistres assurances, des dossiers contentieux et des contrats pour le service juridique