Atul. Due to your top posting style and not being a native english speaker I'm unable to understand your question. As all the quotes at the bottom seemed to belong to me, I'm assuming you referred to some of my postings. As the last one said I tried to point a thing after checking some docs, then I noticed some error in my part and tried to tell everybody to ignore my previous post. On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 3:16 PM Atul Kumar <akumar14871@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I am sorry but I am not clear from your response, as I have created > another instance with same version 9.6 but there no system schema or > its tables are visible. Regarding these, I do not know what a "system schema" is May be "public". Note my post talked about "user cretaed" vs "system" ( I?ve normally observed those are things like information schema vies, pg_class an similar tables, which are always there after DB creation and are normally needed for the server to work ) OBJECTS. Also, naming an schema "sys" does not make it a system schema. Francisco Olarte