I am recreating a test database with data provided for a series of future exercises. Presently I am trying to understand why a simple insert statement is not working. The user invoking this insert is 'postgres' and has superuser privileges. The error is this: postgres : STATEMENT: INSERT INTO public.stock( stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price, unit, unit_descr) VALUES (3, "SHM", "aluminum Bat", 180.00, "case", "12/case"); postgres : ERROR: 42703: column "SHM" does not exist at character 105 postgres : LOCATION: errorMissingColumn, parse_relation.c:3194 postgres : STATEMENT: INSERT INTO public.stock( stock_num, manu_code, description, unit_price, unit, unit_descr) VALUES (3, "SHM", "aluminum bat", 180.00, "case", "12/case"); The create script for this table is this: -- Table: public.stock -- DROP TABLE public.stock; CREATE TABLE public.stock ( stock_num smallint NOT NULL, manu_code character(3) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", description character(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", unit_price money, unit character(4) COLLATE pg_catalog."default", unit_descr character(15) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ) WITH ( OIDS = FALSE ) TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER TABLE public.stock OWNER to hll_4gl_testing; COMMENT ON TABLE public.stock IS 'The stock table is a catalog of the items sold by the distributor.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.stock.stock_num IS 'Stock number that identifies type of item'; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.stock.manu_code IS 'Manufacturer code (foreign key to manufact table)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.stock.description IS 'Description of item'; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.stock.unit_price IS 'Price per item'; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.stock.unit IS 'Unit by which item is ordered: Each Pair Case Box'; COMMENT ON COLUMN public.stock.unit_descr IS 'Description of unit'; -- Index: stock_manu_code_idx -- DROP INDEX public.stock_manu_code_idx; CREATE INDEX stock_manu_code_idx ON public.stock USING btree (manu_code COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST) TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Index: stock_stock_num_idx -- DROP INDEX public.stock_stock_num_idx; CREATE INDEX stock_stock_num_idx ON public.stock USING btree (stock_num ASC NULLS LAST) TABLESPACE pg_default; COMMENT ON INDEX public.stock_stock_num_idx IS 'Index for stock numbers. Numbers may be duplicated by different manufacturers.'; -- Index: stock_stock_num_manu_code_idx -- DROP INDEX public.stock_stock_num_manu_code_idx; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX stock_stock_num_manu_code_idx ON public.stock USING btree (stock_num ASC NULLS There will be a foreign key constraint on manu_code to manufact.manu_code but that is not yet implemented. The reference to column "SHM" not existing has me confused. I am probably missing something obvious but I cannot see what the problem is. Any help would be most welcome. Thanks, -- *** e-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** Do NOT transmit sensitive data via e-Mail Unencrypted messages have no legal claim to privacy Do NOT open attachments nor follow links sent by e-Mail James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca 9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241 Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757 Canada L8E 3C3