Right. Like, you can absolutely do this. If you need single tables, you can technically set pgdump to include or exclude tables. Be warned though that this is extremely dangerous as it will not copy over any linked tables and I don't think it does sequences associated with those tables either. Basically, you can get yourself into a huge heap of trouble by doing that but you can. I do that on some systems when I have huge data tables that no one cares about.
There are always outside factors for all of this. If this is how you figured out how to get people what they sort of want, you can do this but be aware of the many many risks associated with it regarding security, data management, and trying to sync databases using dump files.
Good luck!
On Sat, Jan 23, 2021, 10:17 AM Ron <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 1/23/21 6:52 AM, sivapostgres@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
We are an ISV. I agree the risk involved in sharing the data. Still few of my customers need that facility and are accustomed to it when using SQL Server. On switch over to PG, I face this issue as a limitation. Need to find and provide a solution.
For those customers, having good volume of data, we're implementing replication which resolves this issue. For smaller sized database (company(ies)), they prefer (and we too) this copy and re-copy procedure, to transfer the data between home and office.
And this pandemic made this a compulsory feature, which they don't want to loose. This transfer is not a one time job, it gets repeated, which they have been doing for years. Here security is not a big concern for them.
Portability is the need for them.
Sadly, the architecture of Postgres means that there's no concept of detaching a single database.
If you only have one database in the "cluster" (ancient Postgres term for "instance"), then you can stop the cluster "-m smart", tar up data/, and transfer it across. You'll need to have a directory on your dev server, custom postgresql.conf (that among other things uses a different port number) and pg_hba.conf files,
TBH, tarring data/ isn't really necessary.
Happiness AlwaysBKR Sivaprakash
On Friday, 22 January, 2021, 09:28:13 pm IST, Rory Campbell-Lange <rory@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 22/01/21, Benedict Holland (benedict.m.holland@xxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Sometimes it is easier to simply > replicate the existing bad process
> that a team agrees to rather than making > a better process.
As Alvar Aalto said in a lecture at MIT
It is not by temporary building that Parthenon comes on Acropolis.
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.