Thanks for the reply. Should I post to the separate hackers list, or wait for someone to chime in here?
FWIW, I am able to access older v12 libpq-dev by using the archive apt list: -- so we will do that going forward until this is resolved.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 3:23 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/7/20 12:02 PM, Nick Aldwin wrote:
> Hi Adrian,
> The FAQ you linked to says the following:
> > If you really want to use a different version, the packages are
> available in separate archive components named after the PostgreSQL
> major version. Append that version after "main" in your sources.list.
> For example, if you wanted 9.0's libpq5 on Debian Squeeze, use this: deb
> squeeze-pgdg main *9.0*
> In the postgres dockerfile, it _is_ appending the version 12 to the
> sources list:
> root@fb7c949f82a0:/# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
> deb buster-pgdg main 12
> However I am still not seeing that version show up. If I remove 'main',
> leaving just 12, no versions show up as coming from the postgres repo at
> all. Am I missing something else here?
Yeah not working for me either. Probably means one of the packagers will
need to chime in.
> -Nick
Adrian Klaver