On 10/7/20 12:02 PM, Nick Aldwin wrote:
Hi Adrian,
The FAQ you linked to says the following:
> If you really want to use a different version, the packages are
available in separate archive components named after the PostgreSQL
major version. Append that version after "main" in your sources.list.
For example, if you wanted 9.0's libpq5 on Debian Squeeze, use this: deb
http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ squeeze-pgdg main *9.0*
In the postgres dockerfile, it _is_ appending the version 12 to the
sources list:
root@fb7c949f82a0:/# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
debhttp://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ buster-pgdg main 12
However I am still not seeing that version show up. If I remove 'main',
leaving just 12, no versions show up as coming from the postgres repo at
all. Am I missing something else here?
Yeah not working for me either. Probably means one of the packagers will
need to chime in.
Adrian Klaver