On Mon, October 5, 2020 11:52, Adrian Klaver wrote: > That is the natural order of events. The database has to exist before > you can add an extension to it. Unless you are saying that you did not > build the extension until after the database was created. > That is the meaning that I meant to convey. The a rough outline of the sequent of events respecting this was: Install postgreqsl Initialise database su - postgres -c 'createuser -S -d -r -l -P adempiere' Run install script which creates the application database. The install script(s) required a number of iterations and some modifications to get working on FreeBSD. su idempiere -c" psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"' At some point I decided to switch the name of the user owning the application database from adempiere to idempiere-dbadmin. Probably this was done to align the user names with our internal conventions. A decision which I strongly suspect is at the root of this problem. Following this decision I went through the entire modified install scripts again, this time using the new username(s). However, I did discover this: 2000 2020-09-11 16:15:17: psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"' 2001 2020-09-11 16:17:08: su idempiere -c" psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" I can only conjecture that I got confused at this point in the process and used the admpiere username artifact from the initial install attempts instead of the idempiere-admin username subsequently employed. I realise that I am providing this information in a rather disjointed manner. However the number of modifications and restarts I had to perform to get the software to install rather confuses my memory and the history logs do not add much in the way of clarity. What I need to know now is how to correct this error. -- *** e-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** Do NOT transmit sensitive data via e-Mail Unencrypted messages have no legal claim to privacy Do NOT open attachments nor follow links sent by e-Mail James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca 9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241 Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757 Canada L8E 3C3