The server is located in the lan and runs on Windows 7x64
On this server I created pg_service.conf file and set the
environment variable of PGSERVICEFILE.
The client is an other computer with Windows 7x64 Pro. It has no
access to local folders on the server (especially to the
PostgreSQL folder) .
Coping the pg_service.conf file from server to the client and
setting environment
variable PGSERVICEFILE to this file
has no sense, because of possibility of storing login and
password in this file.
I want to connect to the server by service name, because I don't
want to store any login information on the client side.
Yesterday I created a topic:
BUG #16550: Problem with pg_service.conf
on pgsql-bugs list
At this moment I have the information that the copy of
pg_service.conf file is necessary on the client side to
establish connection by service name.
I my opinion it has no sense, and looks like a bug.
W dniu 2020-07-22 o 18:14, Adrian
Klaver pisze:
7/21/20 2:35 PM, Michał Lis wrote:
I can't connect to a database via service defined in
pg_service.conf file from remote machine.
Connection from local machine using this service definition
works fine.
I tested it on PostgreSQL 9.4 and 9.6. The other problem is with
the localization of the pg_service.conf file.
Reading internet solutions, I found, that this file may be
placed in global configuration folder.
In my case it is D:\PostgreSQLx86\9.6\etc (the SYSCONFDIR
variable displayed by pg_config.exe).
Placing the file into this folder does not work. I had to define
the global system variable PGSERVICEFILE =
After that the connection to database via service began work,
but only on local machine.
To reproduce problem:
1. Create pg_service.conf file like this:
2. Save this file in a directory, in my case it was
(line ends in Linux style by NotePad++)
3. Set the global system variable:
PGSERVICEFILE =D:\PostgreSQLx86\9.6\etc\pg_service.conf
4. Restart computer to take effects for setting PGSERVICEFILE
5. Open PGAdmin 3 or 4 no matter which.
6. Add and Set database connection
- Name: test
- Host:
- Port: 0
- Service: test4
- User: <empty>
- Password: <empty>
On the local machine the connection will be established but on
remote machine the error:
"Definition of service "test4" not found"
will be raised
Connection from remote machine to server by host, port, user and
password works fine.
Where is the server located?
Are you on remote machine when you try to use the service file?
If so, that is not going to work as the remote machine will not
have access to the local environment.
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.11 and 9.4
Operating system: Windows 7 x64 Pro/Ultimate