I can't connect to a database via service defined in pg_service.conf
file from remote machine.
Connection from local machine using this service definition works fine.
I tested it on PostgreSQL 9.4 and 9.6. The other problem is with the
localization of the pg_service.conf file.
Reading internet solutions, I found, that this file may be placed in
global configuration folder.
In my case it is D:\PostgreSQLx86\9.6\etc (the SYSCONFDIR variable
displayed by pg_config.exe).
Placing the file into this folder does not work. I had to define the
global system variable PGSERVICEFILE =
After that the connection to database via service began work, but only
on local machine.
To reproduce problem:
1. Create pg_service.conf file like this:
2. Save this file in a directory, in my case it was
(line ends in Linux style by NotePad++)
3. Set the global system variable:
PGSERVICEFILE =D:\PostgreSQLx86\9.6\etc\pg_service.conf
4. Restart computer to take effects for setting PGSERVICEFILE
5. Open PGAdmin 3 or 4 no matter which.
6. Add and Set database connection
- Name: test
- Host:
- Port: 0
- Service: test4
- User: <empty>
- Password: <empty>
On the local machine the connection will be established but on remote
machine the error:
"Definition of service "test4" not found"
will be raised
Connection from remote machine to server by host, port, user and
password works fine.
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.11 and 9.4
Operating system: Windows 7 x64 Pro/Ultimate