On Wed, 2020-05-27 at 10:06 -0700, Christophe Pettus wrote: > On RDS (thus, no superuser) we are trying to drop a user. The only remaining item that the user owns is an "empty" default permissions entry, but we can't seem to get rid of it so that the user can > be dropped: > > I'm sure I'm missing something obvious! > > Logged in as xyuser: > > db=> \ddp+ > Default access privileges > Owner | Schema | Type | Access privileges > ------------+---------------+----------+-------------------------- > xyuser | | table | > > db=> ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR USER xyuser REVOKE ALL ON TABLES FROM xyuser; > ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES > db=> \ddp+ > Default access privileges > Owner | Schema | Type | Access privileges > ------------+---------------+----------+-------------------------- > xyuser | | table | That's tricky one. The answer must be that the empty entry is *not* a NULL (meaning default privileges), but actually an empty entry, meaning nobody gets any privileges, including the table owner. The solution is to restore the default situation: ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE xyuser GRANT ALL ON TABLES TO xyuser; Then the offending entry should be gone. It's probably too late to fix that, but in my opinion it was a BAD design decision to use NULL to represent default privileges, at least on display. Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com