select To_Json(Current_Timestamp); returns "2020-05-15T14:49:44.266342+00:00" on version 11.7 or 12.3 So I have lots of JSONS which have timestamp on them. select JS ->> 'mydate'::text, to_timestamp((JS ->> 'mydate'), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from (select '{"somefield": true, "otherfield": true, "mydate": "2020-04-02T18:26:50.941531-03:00"}'::jsonb) j(JS) This SQL works fine on 11.7 but not on 12.3 version. ERROR: invalid value "T1" for "HH24" Detail: Value must be an integer. Where: SQL function "castimmutabletimestamp" statement 1 Is that a version 12 bug or a server configuration ? -- Sent from: