On 2/3/20 12:20 PM, Chris Charley wrote:
I just got my Windows 10 computer in Nov 2019 and installed PostgreSQL
Jan this year.
I had a problem with Windows update and when I contacted Microsoft, they
installed a fresh operating system. After that, I was unable to run
postgres from pgAdmin 4 or from a perl program that accessed the database.
The message I got was:
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is
the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP
connections on port 5432? at pg_01.pl <http://pg_01.pl> line 8.
Does Postgres still exist on the system?
If it does have you started the service?
I was considering 2 options:
!) Reinstall postgres over the current without removing the current
postgres first.
2) uninstall the current postgres and then install postgres again.
The tables I created in my database are not many and if I lose them
doing a reinstall, I could recreate my database and the tables. I was
considering option (1) as I was wondering if that choice would keep the
database and tables I created this January.
(The database and contained tables are from 'Practical SQL' by Anthony
A second question is: When I try to edit anything in pgAdmin, sometimes
it won't let me edit the code. I then refresh the database in the left
pane and then it allows me to edit the SQL in the query pane.
Thank you for any help you may provide.
Adrian Klaver