I just got my Windows 10 computer in Nov 2019 and installed PostgreSQL Jan this year.
I had a problem with Windows update and when I contacted Microsoft, they installed a fresh operating system. After that, I was unable to run postgres from pgAdmin 4 or from a perl program that accessed the database.
The message I got was:
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432? at pg_01.pl line 8.
I was considering 2 options:
!) Reinstall postgres over the current without removing the current postgres first.
2) uninstall the current postgres and then install postgres again.
The tables I created in my database are not many and if I lose them doing a reinstall, I could recreate my database and the tables. I was considering option (1) as I was wondering if that choice would keep the database and tables I created this January.
(The database and contained tables are from 'Practical SQL' by Anthony DeBarros.)
A second question is: When I try to edit anything in pgAdmin, sometimes it won't let me edit the code. I then refresh the database in the left pane and then it allows me to edit the SQL in the query pane.
Thank you for any help you may provide.