On 12/16/19 9:46 AM, Sar wrote:
I have database on Windows Server, running postgresql 10 and I've run
pg_dump with options: -Fc --verbose -d db_name --file "E:\backup.sql"
-T some_table.
Now when I run pg_restore, also on windows server with postgresql 12, or
on the same original server with postgresql 10, using options
--data-only --verbose -j 8,
or without jobs, but selecting some specific few tables with -t option I
get follwing error:
Which Postgres version of pg_dump/pg_restore are you using to do above?
error: pg_restore: error: found unexpected block ID (0) when reading
data -- expected 3142
This error will only happen on very few tables, most run fine.
What happens if you SELECT from these tables in the Postgres 10 instance?
Can you show the schema definition for one or more of the problem tables?
Currently, I'm running without jobs and without tables selected with -t,
however I haven't gotten to the specific table that causes the trouble
(the restore will take days), however I already fear when it comes to
that table the same error will trigger.
I guess this could serve as a possible bug report as well, but any
advice as to what I can do is appreciated.
Adrian Klaver