On 12/3/19 9:41 AM, stan wrote:
Well, this gets more interesting. I decided to try the reinstall thing agai, so I did an apt-get purge on the V12 server, started the V11 server (admiitely I did not check to see what port it started on), reinstalled the V1 package, and now BOTH are running, with eh V12 server on 5432 and the V11 on 5433.
Yes, Ubuntu/Debian make it easy to run multiple versions/clusters at once. I don't think they even use the alternatives system (but I could be wrong). For building/installing the extension, the only important part AIUI is getting pg_config to point at the right files. My own approach has always been to hack the bash code to accept a PGCLUSTER envvar, as in that Stack Overflow answer. Someone here might have a better approach though.
Regards, -- Paul ~{:-) pj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx