On November 22, 2019 at 20:28:39, Michael Lewis (mlewis@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
I try to avoid DISTINCT and use GROUP BY when feasible, as well as avoiding OR condition. If you combined anon1 and anon2 with UNION ALL, and did (inner) join instead of left, or even moved all of that to EXISTS, perhaps that gives you better consistent performance. Something like this-contacts__aggregated_1.company_id = contacts.company_idAND contacts__aggregated_1.contact_id = contacts.idAND contacts__aggregated_1.field_name = 'names'
WHERE contacts.company_id = '\x4c2118ad54397f271b000000'AND EXISTS (SELECT
FROM contacts_values
WHERE contacts_values.field_id = '\x000000000000000000000000'
AND contacts_values.field_name = 'facebook'
AND nimble_contact_value_normalize(nimble_skip_long_values(contacts_values.value)) = nimble_contact_value_normalize('http://www.facebook.com/jon.ferrara'))
AND contacts_values.company_id = contacts.company_id AND contacts_values.id = contacts.id
WHERE contacts_values.field_id = '\x000000000000000000000000'
AND contacts_values.field_name = 'last_name'
AND nimble_contact_value_normalize(nimble_skip_long_values(contacts_values.value)) = nimble_contact_value_normalize('Ferrara'))ORDER BY contacts__aggregated_1.value ASC
Hi Michael!
Thank you, your suggestion about replacing DISTINCT with GROUP BY improved the plan for my query significantly. It is still not perfect, but at least it is something we can live with.
However, rewriting OR with UNION does not change things. Here's the plan for it: https://explain.depesz.com/s/c6Ec. Judging from the number of loops it uses some form of nested loop internally.
It appears that any way of expressing OR ruins something for the planner. My performance is great for a single criterion and for multiple criteria joined by AND. Adding any OR into the mix results in giant JOINs and misestimations.