On 8/20/2019 5:11 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:On 8/20/19 8:02 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote: Thanks Adrian, It took some time for me to get back to this, but thanks to your suggestions I got it working. Since I am not too familiar with the inner workings of Ubuntu, some of your suggestions took me a while longer to parse, but with succes. ;-) In case some other unskilled soul like me happens on this problem, here is what I did in babysteps: I didn't want to grap the version you suggested (11.4), since I run 10.10, so I wanted to be safe and use 10.9 client tools: Found it here: https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/pool/main/p/postgresql-10/ postgresql-client-10_10.9-1.pgdg18.10+1_amd64.deb I created a new directory in my home: mkdir pg_dump_10.9 cd pg_dump_10.9 wget https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/pool/main/p/postgresql-10/postgresql-client-10_10.9-1.pgdg18.10+1_amd64.deb now how to extract my pg_dump? After a short Google I did the following: dpkg-deb -R ./postgresql-client-10_10.9-1.pgdg18.10+1_amd64.deb tmp then walked to the right (new) directory: cd tmp/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin There it was.: pg_dump from 10.9. Yes! I moved it to my home-dir, and renamed it as you suggested (to avoid confusion). Work right from there. :-) I was expecting all kind of dependencies I had to solve, but it worked right out of the box. Thanks Adrian. Regards, Erwin Moller |