Op 8/20/2019 om 3:32 PM schreef Adrian Klaver:
On 8/20/19 6:18 AM, Erwin Moller wrote:
Op 8/20/2019 om 2:07 PM schreef Ian Barwick:
On 8/20/19 7:12 PM, Erwin Moller wrote:
While trying to move an old 8.1 Postgres install to a new server
with postgres 10.10, I get an error, listed hereunder:
I am trying to get a mydump_x_x_x.sql file to use to reinstall on
the target machine.
From my new machine I connect to my old machine like this:
erwin@ubuntu:~$ pg_dump -f "/home/erwin/mydump_$(date
+%d_%m_%Y).sql" -C -h somehost.com -p 5433 -U myvalidusername -d
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR: relation
"pg_opfamily" does not exist
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query was: SELECT classid, objid,
refclassid, refobjid, deptype FROM pg_depend WHERE deptype != 'p'
AND deptype != 'e'
SELECT 'pg_opfamily'::regclass AS classid, amopfamily AS objid,
refclassid, refobjid, deptype FROM pg_depend d, pg_amop o WHERE
deptype NOT IN ('p', 'e', 'i') AND classid = 'pg_amop'::regclass
AND objid = o.oid AND NOT (refclassid = 'pg_opfamily'::regclass AND
amopfamily = refobjid)
SELECT 'pg_opfamily'::regclass AS classid, amprocfamily AS objid,
refclassid, refobjid, deptype FROM pg_depend d, pg_amproc p WHERE
deptype NOT IN ('p', 'e', 'i') AND classid = 'pg_amproc'::regclass
AND objid = p.oid AND NOT (refclassid = 'pg_opfamily'::regclass AND
amprocfamily = refobjid)
And no archive is created.
Does any of you kind people have advice? I am sure this worked on
It looks like this was broken just before 10.10 was released, and
has since been fixed;
Your options are:
- find a 10.9 or earlier package and use the pg_dump from that
- build pg_dump yourself
- wait for 10.11 to come out (though I imagine that won't be for a
month or two)
Ian Barwick
Thanks a lot, Ian!
That saved me an upcoming headache. I searched a lot on Google but
couldn't find any relevant information.
Will installing Postgres 11 also work? (Not the Ubuntu18.04 default
for Postgres, but doable).
Or does those pg_dump versions also expect pg_opfamily to exist?
From the bug that introduced the issue:
"Per bug #15934 from Tom Gottfried. Back-patch to all supported
So I'm guessing it is in the most recent release of all current versions.
Thank you, Adrian.
That is a bummer.
Since I have no idea how to safely install an older version of pg_dump
alongside my current 10.10 install, I will wait for the patch.
Thank you for your responses!
Erwin Moller