st 11. 9. 2019 v 9:48 odesílatel Nicola Contu <nicola.contu@xxxxxxxxx> napsal:
Hello,We are running postgres 11.5 and in the last two weeks we did :- upgrade of postgres to 11.5 from 11.4- increased shared_buffer to 1/3 of the memory- increased effective_cache_size = 160GB from 120- increased checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 from 0.7
- increased checkpoint_timeout = 1h
- increased work_mem = 2GB (this can be set up to 4GB) from 600MBSince that, in the last two weeks we saw an increment of this error :ERROR: too many dynamic shared memory segmentsIs there any relation between these parameters or the pgsql 11.5 version?
I expect it can be related to increasing work_mem - maybe parallel hash join was used
Any help can be appreciated.Thank you,Nicola