If anyone hits this it is an issue with using the Geography type with a non 4326 SRID on a table and pg_upgrade.
It should be fixed (the check dropped as it's something of a relic) in the next version of PostGIS. In the meantime you would have to patch it out yourself.
On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 at 10:03, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 9/3/19 3:45 PM, James Sewell wrote:
> -- For binary upgrade, create an empty extension and insert objects
> into it
> SELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_create_empty_extension('tablefunc',
> 'public', true, '1.0', NULL, NULL, ARRAY[]::pg_catalog.text[]);
> Try the above on your schema and see what you get.
> Yep - an empty extension. I think this logic is wrong. Creating an empty
> extension is fine and makes sense but extension owned relations should
> be created as the next step, not just at some time later.
So to be clear you ran pg_dump with --binary-upgrade and the extension
elements where created after the user table that tripped the error?
Adrian Klaver
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