Thank you David.
On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 6:44 PM David Steele <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 7/22/19 5:08 PM, chiru r wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using pgbackrest on my production workloads and it is working as
> expected.
> However our DB is growing more and more .
> We have currently two disks and each one is 4 TB size. However 3.8TB
> size data got loaded into DB currently and our /pgback mount point size
> is 4TB.
> So if the DB size grows more then 4TB, how to add another file system to
> store backup under "repo-path"?.
pgBackRest does not have multi-volume support because there are a number
of ways to accomplish this using ZFS, Linux volumes, etc. You'll need
the expand the storage for the repo using one of these methods or reduce
your retention settings.