Em 11/03/2019 16:20, Gavin Flower escreveu:
On 12/03/2019 05:35, Michael Nolan wrote:
MySQL is better at isolating users from each other and requires less
expertise to administer.
I keep reading that MySQL is easier to administer, but never seen any
evidence of that. And in my very limited experience of both, I've
found PostgreSQL easier to set up & administer.
If you allow me an apart, "easy to administer" must means also that we
have no referencial integrity hell - which MySQL doesn't guarantee. I
had problems in past even using InnoDB, which is supposed to work...
Easy to adminiter also means not having to deal with internal tables
whenever MySQL decides not accepting our administrator passwords anymore...
So, IMHO, easy to administer is a system that don't drive me crazy, and
_for me_ this system is PostgreSQL - at least in my very special case
(which is reach old age without becoming nuts).