On 2/25/19 11:19 AM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 5:03 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On 2/24/19 2:39 PM, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> I'm just wondering if there is a more preferred way to do this,
Not seeing anything responsive to this question, I'll assume that
PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS is the preferred method.
From looking at the script I would yes.
> any particular reason you can't pass options to initdb? Also,
since the
You can pass options to initdb:
Yes. I guess I shoulda said "cant pass option to initdb via the setup
Technically using PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS does pass the initdb options to
the script:) If I am following correctly, what you want is something
like the below from pg_ctl, correct?:
pg_ctl init[db] [-D datadir] [-s] [-o initdb-options]
It seems you cannot pass them to the script postgresql-11-setup. That
would be a question for the packagers:
> checksums are good for data integrity, and can only be done at init
> time, I wonder if it's worth adding a note about it to that
> documentation page?
OK. Do the yum packagers also maintain the documentation for
downloading and installing Postgresql?
(i.e., https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/redhat/) And are you
saying this question/topic is inappropriate for this list?
The question is not inappropriate as the above is the community site and
this is the community list for general questions. It is just that the RH
family packages are maintained outside of the core source by the folks
listed at the contacts link. It is they who in the end will or will not
make any changes. Just a matter of circles within circles in the
AGENCY Software
A Free Software data system
By and for non-profits
ken.tanzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ken.tanzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Adrian Klaver