On 11/28/18 7:32 PM, Ron wrote:
What does it mean, and where is it documented? The only place in the
"The age column measures the number of transactions from the cutoff XID
to the current transaction's XID."
docs I see reference to age() is
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/functions-datetime.html and this
doesn't seem to fit that use case.
TAPb=# select COALESCE(ta.schemaname, 'pg_toast') || '.' || cl.relname,
from pg_class cl FULL JOIN pg_tables ta
ON ta.tablename = cl.relname
where not cl.relfrozenxid = xid '0'
--and age(cl.relfrozenxid) > 4000000
order by 1
limit 30;
?column? | relfrozenxid | age
cds.ach_return_batch | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.ach_return_detail | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.all_day_event | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.all_day_event_trigger | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_ftp | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_health_care_job | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_inbound_file | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_input_format | 58569152 | 2111005
(30 rows)
Adrian Klaver