What does it mean, and where is it documented? The only place in the docs I
see reference to age() is
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/functions-datetime.html and this doesn't
seem to fit that use case.
TAPb=# select COALESCE(ta.schemaname, 'pg_toast') || '.' || cl.relname,
from pg_class cl FULL JOIN pg_tables ta
ON ta.tablename = cl.relname
where not cl.relfrozenxid = xid '0'
--and age(cl.relfrozenxid) > 4000000
order by 1
limit 30;
?column? | relfrozenxid | age
cds.ach_return_batch | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.ach_return_detail | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.all_day_event | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.all_day_event_trigger | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_ftp | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_health_care_job | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_inbound_file | 58569152 | 2111005
cds.bank_input_format | 58569152 | 2111005
(30 rows)
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.