On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 4:35 PM Stephen Frost <sfrost@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
* Achilleas Mantzios (achill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> On 19/11/18 3:27 μ.μ., Stephen Frost wrote:
> >* Charles Clavadetscher (clavadetscher@xxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> >>https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PostgreSQL_Conference_Europe_Talks_2018
> >>
> >>As mentioned there, the slides are linked, as long as they have been delivered by the speakers, in the talk descriptions in the schedule.
> >I'm not sure what the point of duplicating that information on to the
> >wiki is..?
> It is nice to have a single source to all slides from all conferences, so at least a link to the conference page should be there on the wiki.
Having it for *all* conferences would be yet another, different,
thing... We could do that for each of the systems (PgEU, PgUS, PgDU,
PGConfAPAC) potentially, but then we might also want to include links to
things like the videos from those conferences which record and post to
youtube, like: https://www.youtube.com/user/postgresopen
I do think Magnus has some thoughts about providing a way to search each
system for talks that might be interesting to a particular user and we
might even be able to provide a federated search through .Org
Not sure if the wiki is the best place for that, but we could at least
start there, I suppose, if someone wants to pull that together.
Yes, I do have some sort of long term idea for how to do that. I haven't figured out the details yet though, but that's where I'd like to end up eventually.