Thanks for your answer. On 21/10/2018 16.24, Tom Lane wrote: > In the meantime, the only answer I can think of offhand is to manually > do VACUUM FREEZE on each of your MVs, and then refresh anything that > shows up with an error. Since I have so many of them, I decided to go for a quick-and-dirty solution (what about REFRESH ALL MATERIALIZED VIEWS in the future?): > DO > $$ > DECLARE command text; > BEGIN > FOR command IN SELECT 'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW '|| nspname||'.'||relname||';' > FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c > LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace > WHERE c.relkind = 'm' > LOOP > RAISE NOTICE '%', command; > EXECUTE command; > END LOOP; > END > $$;
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